Addis Ababa Non-Motorised Transport Strategy (2019-2021)

The Addis Ababa Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) Strategy (2019-2021). The city of Addis Ababa is growing rapidly and requires an urban environment that is safe, comfortable, and inclusive. For too long, transport planning has focused on the needs of private car users without considering the majority of Addis Ababa residents who walk, cycle, or use public transport.

This approach has exacerbated problems of congestion and road safety, both of which affect economic growth, productivity, and public health. Moving forward, the Addis Ababa City Administration commits to investing in sustainable transport systems that help tackle climate change, facilitate trade, and improve access to education, health, and jobs. Drawing from the Transport Policy of Addis Ababa and Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Transport Sector Strategy, the NMT Strategy outlines a holistic set of measures to expand the use of non-motorised modes.



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