Ministerial sessions at ACS

The Africa Climate Summit is happening in Nairobi, Kenya, this week, drawing global leaders to address the climate crisis. The summit’s approach to championing positive, investment-centred action is a great opportunity to rethink low-carbon development opportunities in the African region. ITDP is working with the Summit Secretariat to organise high-level ministerial sessions and dialogue on mobility and urbanisation.

In many African cities, the main modes of transport are walking, cycling, and informal paratransit. However, most urban areas lack proper non-motorised transport facilities and the public transport sector faces numerous challenges such as inefficient routes,  old dilapidated vehicles, poor service quality and long wait times. Investment in affordable, efficient and integrated multi-modal urban transport is key in preventing a shift to private vehicles, and decarbonising urban areas while also reducing congestion.

The Climate Summit provides a forum for dialogue on commitments towards public transport reform, bus rapid transit (BRT), electrification of bus fleets, quality walking and cycling networks, and compact city development. Governments will be able to explore funding infrastructure development through additional revenue sources such as green bonds and land value capture with support from multilateral development banks. Investments from the private sector in bus manufacturing, bus operations, intelligent transport systems and real estate development will also enable cities to offer quality and efficient services.

African countries will also learn about successful implementation approaches from peers. Dar es Salaam is expanding its BRT system to span 154.5 km, and the city has secured financing for most of the network under technical guidance from ITDP. Addis Ababa and Nairobi have financing for two BRT corridors each, and plans are ongoing to implement BRTs in Cairo and Kampala. As electrification becomes increasingly attractive, cities such as Kigali are also modifying existing fleets. In Ethiopia over 200 km of non-motorised transport infrastructure has been implemented.

ITDP is helping to organise two ministerial sessions in Nairobi at the Africa Climate Summit.

We invite you to join these sessions or catch up with our local team on the sidelines of the Summit. We are looking forward to implementing the planned commitments in partnership with governments and stakeholders across the continent.

Ministerial session on Integrated Liveable cities

Integrated Liveable Cities
Monday 4 September
15:00 EAT
KICC: Lenana Room

Ministerial session on Investing in Green Transport

Investing in Green Transport
Monday 4 September
16:30 EAT
KICC: Lenana Room


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