Feasibility Study for Bikeshare in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city in Ethiopia. It is the political, commercial, and cultural hub of the country. It is the seat for Africa Union headquarters and a hub for many international organisations. As of 2017, the city was home to 3.2 million inhabitants, and is projected to reach 4.7 million by 2030. Home to 17 percent of the country’s urban population, Addis Ababa is among the
fastest-growing urban areas in the world. The number of private vehicles in the city is rapidly increasing, contributing to worsening congestion, loss of the public realm, air pollution, and traffic fatalities. As the city continues to modernise and motorise, major investments and strategic decisions will be required to keep the economy humming and avoid the negative impacts generated by private
motorised mobility and traffic congestion.

The Addis Ababa Transport Bureau (AATB), with technical support from the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), plans to introduce a bikeshare system to provide a low-cost, environmentally friendly mobility option to the residents of Addis Ababa. Bikeshare is a personal public transport system in which people have access to bicycles that can be used across a network of closely spaced stations. With a smart card or another form of identification, a user can check out a cycle from a station and return it to any other station.

Bikeshare is expected to boost the use of public transport by providing crucial last-mile connectivity, thereby expanding the catchment areas for the region’s rapid transit systems. By encouraging a shift to sustainable modes, the bikeshare system will reduce dependency on automobiles, reduce traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and demand for motor vehicle parking. The system will also support
the transformation of streets to become environments, where pedestrians and bicyclists feel safe and comfortable.

Would you like to suggest bikeshare priority routes and stations in Addis Ababa?
You can do so here: https://biskletmegarat.net/


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