Infographic: Mix Principle of the TOD Standard

This third version of the TOD Standard is structured by the same eight principles as the previous two versions, published in 2013 and 2014. Many metrics have received minor updates to clarify instructions, improve the experience of the assessors, and correct occasional gaps in proxy metric performance.

The most substantial revisions were made to the MIX Principle, which has been significantly reinforced from 15 to 25 points, and particularly to its second objective, which focuses on the mix in demographics and income ranges (Objective 5.B). The affordable housing metric under this implementation objective has doubled its maximum points, to a total of eight, and two new metrics were added to examine and score the protection of pre-existing households and small businesses and services on a redevelopment project site. The upgrading of slums and informal settlements is now explicitly mentioned as a legitimate TOD project.

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