Type: Guide

Compact city neighbourhoods anchored by efficient mass rapid transit lower the cost of commuting, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and improve overall sustainability. Transit-oriented development (TOD) integrates residential, commercial, and recreational uses, leading to better security throughout the day. Fine-grained street networks with high-quality walking and cycling facilities combined with well-designed public open spaces make active…

Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city in Ethiopia. It is the political, commercial, and cultural hub of the country. It is the seat for Africa Union headquarters and a hub for many international organisations. As of 2017, the city was home to 3.2 million inhabitants, and is projected to reach 4.7 million by…

Greater Nairobi is a rapidly growing metropolis characterised by daunting traffic jams at peak hours. A lack of sufficient public transport options and rapidly increasing ownership of private cars lead to daily traffic snarls on the roads that serve as the entry and exit points to the city centre. Responding to these issues, the Nairobi…

Cities push for more parking in buildings, but, rather than alleviating the parking problem, it leads to increased traffic. Under the illusion that density creates congestion, public agencies also control building density. However, it is parking, not density, that creates traffic congestion. Excessive parking supply that is cheap or free induces people to use personal…

Public transport is a basic and necessary public service for any city. In cities around the world, many people depend on public transport as the primary means of transport. However, while some cities have achieved international recognition for their world-class public transport infrastructure and excellent operations, other cities have poor-quality public transport services, pushing potential…

Streets for Walking & Cycling is a guide that emphasizes designing for safety, accessibility, and comfort in African cities, developed in partnership with UN-Habitat.  Many cities across the continent of Africa have a large percentage of walking and cycling as a mode share for trips. Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, and Lagos all have bike and…

A resource for cities to design, plan, implement and measure the success of a bikeshare system Over the past decade, bikeshare has contributed significantly to sustainable mobility in cities: providing first-last kilometer solutions, replacing short trips made by car, and offering a unique way for residents and visitors to explore their surroundings, among other benefits….



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